Operational Support

Business Operational Support

West Midlands Business Advisors

Everyone needs help from time to time. A business that is going through a period of significant growth will face new challenges. At West Midlands Business Advisors, we will provide operational support, working with you to put plans in place. We will help you identify your priorities and define a number of projects which will deliver the improvements to your business.

We can provide consultancy services that will identify challenges that you may face and agree working solutions that will deliver benefits to the organisation. Our significant Project Management experience across manufacturing and construction, enables us to provide short term or long term support.

We can help your team identify areas to focus on and improve by using a number of simple process mapping tools and techniques. Our aim is to ensure that operationally, you have clear improvement projects defined, supported by clear business metrics which are reported, and that you have clear visual management in place so your team can see the progress that they are making.

Are you taking advantage of tax benefits from your R&D tax claims? Have you got a live, working Health and Safety process? Do you need any assistance with Risk Management? Do you have short term or permanent resource requirements? Whatever your Operational Support requirements, West Midlands Business Advisors can help you.

Financial Support

A key aspect of any successful business is good  financial planning. We will work with you to assure that clear financial requirements are understood. A growing business will need to consider many factors. What are the implications for working capital? What are your future investment requirements? Have you got financial partners in place who can identify and deliver funding solutions? 

West Midlands Business Advisors can help you with financial planning and finding a way of funding your business objectives.

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