Exit Planning
Exit Planning
Exit Planning Support

Many business owners do not have an exit plan. As a consequence, when they decide it’s time to sell, unfortunately the business is not ready for sale. This can lead to frustration when the business does not sell quickly, and in many cases, the sale price fails to realise the ambitions of the owner.
Your Exit Strategy
Every business owner should have a plan, and this must include an exit strategy.
- When do you want to exit your business?
- What changes do you need to make to ensure you are working on the business, not in the business?
- Is it your plan to sell your business?
- Who do you think will want to buy it?
- Is there a potential for a management buyout option?
- What is the value of your business?
- What do you need to do to realise the valuation?
- Should you consider growing your organisation? – Consider acquiring other businesses which will increase the value of your business and further increase revenue streams.
- What ongoing revenue can the business generate?
- When do you need to generate a capital sum by selling the business? Sooner or later?
Whatever your choice it is essential that you have a plan, and we suggest you allow a minimum of two years to achieve your objectives. You must focus on doing everything you can to increase the value of the business.
To summarise think about
- Developing an organisation that generates ongoing profitability and functions without you.
- How much income can your business generate for you without you turning up every day?
- What can you do to increase income generation for you?
- When would you ideally like to generate a capital sum from the sale of your business?
Plan to Grow – Exit on your own terms.